Friday, 2 August 2013

Ordinations: photos and Newsletter

The ordinands prostrate before the Altar.

'Saturday 22nd June witnessed one of the most momentous events in the history of the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer: the ordination to the sacred priesthood of two of the brothers, Magdala Maria and Yousef Marie.

'These took place in the church of Sanctissima Trinità dei Pellegrini in the historic centre of Rome.  This is a ‘personal parish’ run by the Fraternity of St Peter so all the Masses said there are in the    Extraordinary Form, ie the old rite.  We arrived to see Archbishop Pozzo, the Papal Almoner, who was to perform the ordinations, just stepping from his car, resplendent in his purple robes.
'There were three ordinands, Brothers Magdala Maria and Yousef Marie of the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer and Massimo Botta of the Fraternity of St Peter.

'After Mass the new priests gave their first blessings and photos were taken.  Bro Magdala’s family had come all the way from Samoa and Bro Yousef’s from Australia.  Massimo Botta was a local lad so he had a great deal of family support in the church!'

The two Sons of the Holy Redeemer flanking the newly ordained priest of the Fraternity of St Peter:
left to right, Fr Magdala Maria F.SS.R, Fr Massimo Botta FSSP, and Fr Yousef Marie F.SS.R

Apologies for the photographs and a report taking so long to appear, but here they are at last. 

Fr Magdala's first Mass, in Sta Trinita

There is a set of photos on Flickr here.

First blessings.

You can download the latest Newsletter, covering the ordinations, here.

A celebratory meal.