Monday, 8 August 2011

Two clothings, a temporary profession and a final profession on St Alphonus' day

The Monastery blog reports that on 2nd August, the Feast of St Alphonsus, two postulants were formally 'clothed' in the habit of the Order, one notive made his 'temporary profession' (like the 'temporary' or 'simple' vows of Benedictines and others, a stage towards becoming a fully professed member of the community), and one Brother made his 'Final Profession' (equivalent to 'Solemn' as opposed to 'Simple' profession, ie a permanent committment to the Order).

This is a great day for the community, and all these young men and their families are to be congratulated.

Congratulations to Br Peter and Br Seelos!

And to Br Xavier Maria and Br Alfonso Maria!

See the Sons' blog for more pictures.