Monday, 18 July 2011


The Friends of Papa Stronsay are proud to announce our first Newsletter for supporters!

Those on our mailing list with postal addresses will get a printed version; all are free to download it here:

The Newsletter is hosted on a special page of the Latin Mass Society's website; many thanks to them.

Friday, 15 July 2011

Visiting Oxford

Fr Michael Mary, Br Magdala and Br Martin visited Oxford last week for a few days. Among other things they sold some of their rare-breed sheep's wool to a customer in the South West of England.

Here they are with the Trustees of the Friends of Papa Stronsay.
2011 07 09_0537
(Left to right: Br Magdala, Fr Michael, Julian Griffiths, FOPS Chairman, Joseph Shaw, FOPS Trustee, Br Martin.)