Tuesday, 14 June 2011

They made it!

Not that there was any doubt, but well done to the Sons taking part in the pilgrimage to Chartres. There are two excellent photos of them in the 'Official Photo Album' of Notre Dame de Chretianite, from the Mass in Chartres Cathedral at the conclusion of the Pilgrimage.

Since originally posting this, linking the photos directly from the Notre Dame website, the links have died (they must have moved the photos) so I have downloaded the photos and put them on Flickr. You can see all the photos I could find featuring the Sons in my set here, including Br Magdala with the British Adults Chapter.

Monday, 13 June 2011

Saturday, 11 June 2011

Sons on the Chartres Pilgrimage

Today, tommorrow and Monday they will be walking the 70-odd miles from Notre Dame of Paris to the Cathedral of Our Lady in Chartres.

A photo of one of the Masses en route from last year.

Those who set out from Papa Stronsay:
Fr. Anthony Mary
Br. Yousef Marie
Br. Jean Marie
Br. Magdala Maria
Br. Martin Mary
Br. Gerardo Maria
Br. Bernard Maria
Mr. Mills
Mr. Lunsford

More here.

Sunday, 5 June 2011

Abbot Hugh Gilbert of Pluscarden Abbey to be new Bishop of Aberdeen

Bishop Moran of Aberdeen has passed the age of retirement and his resignation has been accepted; the new bishop is to be the Abbot of Pluscarden. This is great news as Abbot Hugh knows the Sons already and is well known as a solid and orthodox man.

Congratulations both to him and to the Catholics of Aberdeen! And 'thank you', Holy Father!

There is more on the Sons' own blog.

Thursday, 2 June 2011

John Hunwicke on the Purgatorian Archconfraternity

John Hunwicke, a member of the Oxford Ordinariate group, has just written on his blog:

Above my desk as I write this I have a Certificate of Perpetual Membership of the the Purgatorian Archconfraternity in honour of The Most Holy Redeemer of Golgotha For the Relief of the Poor souls in Purgatory, maintained by the Transalpine Redemptorists who pray and work and live on the northern island of Papa Stronsay. I find it a source of great strength to know that both now and after my death I shall be in the fellowship of prayer which this represents, that the One Sacrifice will be offered again and again for me.

You can join the Purgatorian Archconfraternity here.